It’s Official Official – Welcome!
What the Blog is all About...
Vally here - This is our first (sh*t)post. Just so you know what to expect in the blog section, initially with this content we want to:
1). Help you make music.
Whether that's tips for recording at home, how to work with mixing engineers, how to communicate what you want... All ideas that we will come up with while on the job and we think will help you make music. This isn't random shit we are sharing to get attention - Otherwise it would end up on our TikTok. You might even end up applying this knowledge to work with other engineers, producers, or studios. That's totally cool, just don't forget about us when you're famous.
2). Help you learn about us.
Again, you can totally just go to our TikTok or Instagram for this but I think through our written content you'll see us in a different and (hopefully) more multi-dimensional way that isn't completely beholden to an @lg0rithm or shadowbanning policy. Not that we are psychotic l1bertar1ans or plan on broadcasting some sicko sh8t here but you know, you gotta be a certin way to break through on these other platforms. This is our platform. We are based out of Brooklyn, New York in the neighborhood of Bushwick, lived in the city for over a decade, and know how difficult it is to persure your passion while paying rent.

As for what's up like, 'RIGHT NOW' right now?
I'm writing this from Berlin. It's the longest day of the year, June 21 (makes me happy) and I'm drinking a beer on the street. Ugly picture, beautiful life. Bought this Carhartt W.I.P. tee at Superconscious in Berlin. If you're in Berlin, pay them and Fair Catch a visit for some fire clothes.
Yup - Only 2 reasons for now.
That all said, this could change and we will basically get around to writing about stuff when it is important. All killer, no filler.
If you want to work with us or just shoot the sh*t, hit our socials, send us an email, use our contact us form, whatever works for you!
Ciao ciao.